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Student Development Workshop

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Student Development Workshop Committee

Mission statement or goals:
The mission of the Student Development Workshop Committee is to develop a workshop for students preparing for credentialing exams. The workshop will provide, five separate exams covering the five domains as defined by the NATA-EC and BOC. It will offer a varied program of services to help athletic training students in their quest for professional development and education.

Carla Heffner – Co-Chair
Sarah Mitchell – Co-Chair
Megan Haynes
Jan Kiilsgaard
David Stuckey
Reid Fisher
Stephanie Jevas
Monica Matocha
Mike Terril
Melissa Long
Tim Kent
Joanna Soles
Stephanie Nelson


Moving to One Day Virtual Format

OVERVIEW:  January 13 Update: Due to current restrictions with travel and in-person learning, this year’s workshop is being transitioned to a one day virtual-only format. Information is being gathered and will be published to all registrants and those interested in registering soon. 
The SWATA Competency Workshop is intended to be a complement to CAATE athletic training programs and to assist students preparing for professional credentialing examinations in athletic training (state and/or national exam formats). The examinations, covering the domains of athletic training, will be scored to provide attendees with a baseline of their cognitive knowledge.  Feedback will be provided on exam questions.  The workshop will also provide nationally recognized speakers and networking opportunities.  The District VI Quiz Bowl Competition is also held in conjunction with the Competency Workshop.  The winning team will represent District VI at the NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia.

TARGET AUDIENCE:  College and University Junior, Senior or 1st/2nd Year Master’s athletic training students.
However, the focus of this virtual meeting will now shift to BOC exam prep for undergraduate seniors and second-year graduate students.  Undergraduate juniors and first year graduate students will still have the option to register/attend this virtual meeting.  
2022 DATE Update One-Day Event on Friday, January 28, 2022
LOCATION Update:  Virtual Only Format – No In-Person Learning

TESTING FORMAT:  Attendees will complete the domain exams via an online format similar to the BOC exam.

QUIZ BOWL: The District VI Quiz Bowl Competition is also held in conjunction with the Competency Workshop.  The winning team will represent District VI at the NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia. Students attending the Competency Workshop will be eligible to enter a team for the Quiz Bowl.   To register a team, please email the school and team member names (3 members + alternate) to Grace Savage at gesavage@utep.edu by Friday, January 21st.


Updated January 13, 2022 Through January 21
11:59 PM
No Late Registration
Option Available
NATA Member $40
Non-NATA Member $45





**Registration refund requests must be sent directly to Sarah Mitchell (Sarah.Mitchell@tamuc.edu).  Due to transitioning to a virtual meeting format, refunds will be processed as soon as possible. Please watch your email for updates in soon with details on making these requests. Upon approval, a refund will be processed minus a $4.00 refund/cancellation processing fee.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS – No Longer Available – Virtual Meeting Format Only. Stay tuned for details on housing refunds. 


  • Assessment of all Domains, with feedback and discussion (multiple practice questions provided)
  • Two tracks available: junior/first-year masters student track and a  senior/second-year masters student track
  • Information concerning the BOC exam and question format
  • Presentations by leaders in athletic training and sports medicine
  • Active learning (hands-on) labs (such as manual therapy, MMT, etc.
  • Additional practice questions concerning particular areas (such as pharmacology, psychosocial issues, professional development, EBP)
  • Roundtable discussions with SWATA Young Professional Committee Members
  • Computer-Based Format (similar to BOC exam)