SWATA/NATA provides all athletic trainers the opportunity to remain informed about key health and musculoskeletal conditions as well as the skills needed to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate these said conditions to minimize athlete-patient impairments, functional/societal limitations and disability.
The following resources are available to help athletic trainers stay updated on best practices related to specific medical conditions.
- ACL Injury Infographic Handout (pdf) 2015
- IOC: Non-Contact ACL injury in the female athlete, 2008
- Research Suggests Hormones Put Females at Higher Risk of ACL Injury, 2009
- Epidemiology of Collegiate Injuries for 15 Sports: Summary and Recommendations for Injury Prevention Initiatives, 2007
- Why Women Have Increased Risk of ACL Injury, 2010
- Journal of Athletic Training: Research Retreat IV: The Gender Bias, March 22-24, 2012, Greensboro, NC
- ACL Injury Prevention Training Strategies, 2012
- ACL Epidemiology, Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options, 2015
- AOSSM Sports Tips: ACL Prevention
- MLBTPA Sports Injuries of the Knee, 2013
- Preventing ACL Injuries and Improving Performance (documents from the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, an NATA partner)

- AAAAI: Asthma Website and Other Resources
- Sport Asthma: What is the EVH Test?
- CDC Podcast: Don’t Let Asthma Keep You Out of the Game
- CDC: Asthma Fast Facts for Kids
- CDC: Asthma Facts
- CDC: Videos on How to Use Your Inhaler (with and without spacer)
- Mayo Clinic: How to Use A Peak Flow Meter
- ACSM: Exercising with Allergies and Asthma
- AAAAI: Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)
- KSI: Video on Asthma

- NATA and AAOS guidelines for a healthier back (press release, March 2010)
- Back Pain Relief: NATA offers tips on how to shovel safely throughout the winter months (press release)
- Is Immediate Imaging Important in Managing Low Back Pain? (2011)
- Lower Extremity Fatigue, Sex, and Landing Performance in a Population with Low Back Pain (2015)
- Treatment of a Case of Subacute Lumbar Compartment Syndrome using Graston Technique
- Cupping therapy for acute and chronic pain management
- A systematic review What the Research Tells Us About the Functional Movement Screen
- Ergonomics of the Office and Workplace: An Overview

The CDC estimates 1.6-3.8 million concussions occur in sports and recreational activities annually. However, these figures vastly underestimate the total, as many individuals do not seek medical advice.
- Concussion Infographic Handout (pdf), 201
- The Epidemiology of Sport-Related Concussion
- A Comprehensive Approach to The Clinical Care of Athletes Following Concussion, 2014
- Test-Retest Reliability of Computerized Concussion Assessment Programs, 2007
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: Sport-Related Concussion, 2014
- NCAA Concussion Safety, 2015
- CDC: Heads Up Website
- NFL: Zackery Lystedt Law
- 2014 NFL RTP Protocol
- 2014 NFL Sideline Assessment Tool
- NFL Concussion Posters
- NFL/NFLPA Study on Helmet Safety, 2015
- MLB Concussion Policy, 2011
- Law In Sport: Overview of Concussion Protocols Across Professional Sport Leagues, 2014
- KSI High School Concussion Policies
- 10 for 10 Presentation by the NATA College/University Athletic Trainers’ Committee: Concussions in Intercollegiate Athletics

- NCAA: Best practices for Preseason Prep, 2012
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: Weight Loss and Hydration
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: Preventing Heat Illness
- Developing Safety Policies for Organized Sports
- KSI: Comparison of NCAA and High School Heat Acclimatization Policies
- KSI: Heat Acclimatization
- KSI: Hydration
- KSI: High School Policies for Heat Acclimatization
- USA Football: Heat Acclimatization
- USA Football: How the Body Deals with Heat
- USA Football: Water vs. Sports Drink
- USA Football: Heat and Hydration
- USA Football: Stay on Top of your Hydration
- GSSI: Hydration Science and Strategies in Football
- GSSI: Heat Stroke in Sports: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
- GSSI: Rehydration after exercise in the heat: comparison of the 4 commonly used drinks
GSSI: Sodium Balance during US Football Training in the heat: cramp prone vs reference players

- NATA Hydration & Heat Illness Handout (pdf)
- USA Today: Heat Related Illness Still Deadly Problem for Athletes
- Beat the Heat: Keeping student-athletes safe during hot summer months
- NATA’s Heat Illness Authorization Form (pdf)
- Parents’ and Coaches’ Guide to Heat Illnesses (pdf)
- Parents’ and Coaches’ Guide to Heat Illnesses: Spanish (pdf)
- USA Football: Exertional Heat Stroke
- USA Football: Treating Emergency Heat Stroke
- USA Football: Heat Syncope
- USA Football: Heat Cramps
- ED Ted: What Happens When you Get Heat Stroke?
- OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Training, 2015
- KSI Website Education: Heat Illnesses
- NFL/GSSI: Preventing Heat Related Illnesses
- NFL/Gatorade: Gatorade Heat Safety Package
- NCAA: Heat Illness
- NATA PowerPoint: Exertional Heat Illness and Intercollegiate Athletics
- NATA Foundation: Types of Heat Illness
- NATA Foundation: Treatment of Heat Illness

- KSI: Lightning Safety
- NOAA: 2015 Lightning Deaths
- NWA: Lightning Detection Webpage
- NOAA: Weather Safety: Lightning
- CDC: Lightning Safety Tips
- University of Florida: Lightning Research Group
- NOAA: National Severe Storms Laboratory Lightning Research
- Reader’s Digest: 6 Weird Facts About Lightning Strikes

- New guidelines established for young athletes who face mental health issues
- NCAA: Mental Health
- NCAA: Managing Mental Health
- ESPN: Taking Notice of the Hidden Injury
- NCAA: The Psychology of Sports Injuries
- Tim Neal, MS, ATC: Before Stage 4 Planning: Recognizing and Referring Athletes with Mental Health Conditions
- Tim Neal, MS, ATC: Recommendations in Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Secondary School Level
- Tim Neal, MS, ATC: Recommendations for Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Collegiate Level
- NCAA: Introduction to Mind, Body and Sport
- FATC: Female Athlete Triad
- ACSM: Flyer on Female Athlete Triad
- AMSSM 2014 Annual Meeting Presentation on Female Athlete Triad Coalition Consensus Statement
- NCAA: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
- NCAA: Innovative Teaching Case About Preventing Disordered Eating Among College Athletes
- NCAA: ADHD and the Student-Athlete
- APA: ADHD Information Website
- NCAA Guidelines Regarding ADHD Stimulant Exception
- NIH: Recommendations for Reporting of Suicide
- NSPL Prevention Flyer

- NEDA’s Coaches and Trainers Toolkit
- NIMH’s Eating Disorders: About More Than Food
- NCAA: Disordered Eating in Student-Athletes: Understanding the Basics and What We Can Do About It
- AOSSM: Focus on Nutrition May Maximize Sports Performance
- Athlete’s Plate: Vegan Diet (pdf)
- Athlete’s Plate: Vegetarian Diet (pdf)
- Athlete’s Plate: Gluten Free (pdf)
- Cutting Weight Handout (pdf)
- Allergy Sensitivities Handout (pdf)
- Hydration Handout (pdf)
- Nutrition Recommendations for Concussion Recovery (pdf)
- Nutrition Recommendations for Fractures and Bone Health Recovery (pdf)
- Nutrition Recommendations for Immobilization and Surgery Recovery (pdf)
- Nutrition Recommendations for Tendon and Ligament Healing (pdf)
NATA News Article: Athletes, Cancer and Nutrition Considerations – Feb. 2016 (pdf)

- NATA PowerPoint: Sickle Cell Trait and Intercollegiate Athletics (10/10 presentation)
- NCAA: Sickle Cell Trait Website
- NCAA: Fact Sheet for Student Athletes on Sickle Cell Trait
- NCAA: Fact Sheet for Coaches on Sickle Cell Trait
- Ryan Clark’s Cure League: Tackling Sickle Cell
- Korey Stringer Institute: Exertional Sickling
- SCDAA: Sickle Cell Trait and Athletics
- USA Football: Sickle Cell Trait Masks Itself in Symptoms
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: The Student-Athlete with Sickle Cell Trait, 2013

- NATA Skin Disease Fact Sheet
- MLBPA: Sunburn Prevention
- NCAA: Skin Issues Website
- USA Wrestling: MRSA and Other Infectious Facts
- NCAA Skin Evaluation and Participation Status Form
- CDC: MRSA Information for Coaches, Athletics Directors, and Team Healthcare Providers
- AAOS: How USC Football Tackled MRSA, 2007
- CDC: MRSA and Swimming Pools
- CDC: Treating MRSA and Soft Tissue Skin Infections in Outpatient Settings
- NATA Foundation: Fungal Infections of the Skin
- NATA Foundation: Bacterial Infections of the Skin
- NATA Foundation: Viral Infections of the Skin

- ACEP: Head and Neck Injuries in Athletes w/ Case Studies
- KSI: Cervical Spine Injury
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: Use of the Head as a Weapon in Football and Other Contact Sports
- NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook: Helmet Fitting and Removal
- The Eric LeGrand Story, 2013
- NCAA Catastrophic Insurance Program

- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Infographic Handout (pdf), 2016
- SCAA Video Resource: Sudden Cardiac Arrest PSA
- USA Football: SCA Survivor Matthew Nader
- USA Football: Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- AHA Resources for Healthcare Professionals
- ACSM Exercise and Acute Cardiovascular Events: Placing Risks into Perspective
- NCAA Cardiac Health
- KSI: Automatic External Defibrillators
- 10 for 10 Presentation by the NATA College/University Athletic Trainers’ Committee: Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Intercollegiate Athletics
- American Red Cross: BLS/CPR For Healthcare and Public Safety
- American Heart Association: BLS for Healthcare Providers