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LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee

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LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee

Mission statement or goals:
The SWATA LGBTQ+ Committee, as part of the NATA LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee (LGBTQ+ AC), is committed to the advancement of diversity within the athletic training profession by advocating for an environment of inclusion, respect, equity and appreciation of differences in both athletic trainers (ATs) and their diverse patient populations. The LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee will identify, explore, address and provide educational resources regarding emerging topics and concerns relevant to diverse sexualities, gender identities and gender expressions within the profession and health care topics affecting patients in the LGBTQ+ community.

Note: The plus sign represents diverse sexualities, gender identities and gender expressions, which may not be explicitly included in the “LGBTQ” acronym.

Meredith Decker – Chair
Follow Meredith on Twitter: @MDeckerPhD_ATC
Rob Redding
Kayla Parker

**Two positions are currently open. Please keep an eye out for the SWATA Volunteer List to add your name to the LGBTQ+ AC list!

NATA Inclusion Resources

NATA Inclusion

Follow the NATA LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee on Social Media!


Instagram: LGBTQNATA

Facebook: NATA LGBTQ+ AC

Committee Announcements

Our committee will be submitting a presentation proposal to host Safe Space Ally Training at the SWATA Annual Meeting 2021 in Little Rock. We hope you consider attending the training whether it be in person or virtual!